Migrating to BES 5.0 – Part 3 – Cutover to New Server

My user community is very excited about BES 5.0.  If you've been following along, we've covered:

Part 1 – Prep Work for the BES 5.0 setup

Part 2 – We did an "in-place" upgrade of our old/existing BES 4.1 SP6 server

In this section, we're going to focus on the magic cutover/migration to the new server – Apps02.  Let's jump right in.  This will probably be a very long post with lots of pictures.  You have been warned.

Installing SQL on New Server
We should start by installing SQL 2005 Express on the new server.  That's a simple thing to do and will help make sure all appropriate databases and permissions are taken care of. So, let's go download SQL2005Express and launch the setup program. In our particular case, we've already got an instance of SQL 2005 Express on this server.  We simply want to add an additional instance.  Why?  Well, we WANT to move to SQL 2008 – but for now the compatibility matrix doesn't support SQL 2008.  So, we're using simple "express" instance until SQL 2008 is suppoted and then we'll move the BESMgmt Database.  Anyway, launch the setup for SQL 2005 Express.

Picture 115

Accept the EULA.  Click Next.

Picture 116

Setup support is ready.  Click Next.

Picture 117

Let's go!  Click Next.

Picture 119

System checks.  All is well.  Click Next.

Picture 125

Registration Info.  Uncheck the "Hide Advanced Configuration Options" box.  Click Next.

Picture 121

Install Path.  Click Next.

Picture 126

We want to create a new, named instance – we'll call it BES.  Click Next.

Picture 128

Choose how you want the new instance of SQL Express to run.  We want the Local System service account.  Make selections and click Next.

Picture 122

We run Mixed Mode with a strong SA password.  Click Next.

Picture 129

We chose the defaults here.  Click Next.

Picture 123

Administrative Options.  Click Next.

Picture 124

Error Reporting.  Click Next.

Picture 130 

Okay.  Verify.  Click Install for the magic to happen.  Wait.  This will only take a minute or two.

Picture 131 

Looks good.  All has finished.  Click Next.

Picture 132 

This is just a setup summary.  There's a log you can launch if you choose.  Click finish.  Now, let's make sure our "besadmin" user has the right permissions.  Launch SQL Management Studio Express.

Picture 153 

Right-click on besadmin – properties.

Picture 154 

On the left-hand side, choose "Server Roles" and then on the right-hand pane – select "dbcreator" and "serveradmin" – click OK.  Great.  This is ready to go.

Stop the old BES Server
Before we get do the rest of this, let's go ahead and stop the old BES Server.  Open the Administration Console

Picture 147 

On the left-hand side, under Servers and Components, drill down to find the BES Server

Picture 149 

Great, click on BES.  You'll see all sorts of options.  Look for Status.

Picture 150 

Yup.  Click "Stop instance"

Picture 151 

You can now see it's "stopped" – almost ready.  Open up services.msc

Picture 152 

Stop all of the Blackberry services.  Once you're done with that, time to move the database.

Moving Database from OLD Server (LC-SQL1) to NEW Server (APPS02)
This is kind of misleading.  We're not actually "moving" a database.  We're going to "create" a database on the new server.

On the New server, open the installation media and navigate to the "Database" folder.  Open the besmgmt.cfg file in notepad.

Picture 190 

All we need to change is the "SERVER" entry to ".BES" – that's our instance of SQL Express.  Make that change.  Save the file.  Now, drop to the command prompt and navigate to the "Database" folder.

Picture 188 

Run the "CreateDB.exe BESMgmt.cfg" command like you see above.  It'll take a few minutes and when it's done, it'll place the database in the SQL instance you named in the .cfg file.  Wait.

Picture 187 

Great!  You're done!  Let's make sure the database really is in SQL Server Manager Express

Picture 189 

Yup there it is.  Let's start the actual install.  We're ready.

Installing BES 5.0 on New Server
Logon the new server as the "besadmin" account and launch the setup program.

Picture 103

We've previously verified that "besadmin" has all the the necessary rights and roles.  Click Continue Installation. PLEASE NOTE – this is going to look VERY VERY familiar – I did this in Part 2 of this series.  Other than the names of servers changing, the configuration should be identical.  So, rather than give you a ton of screenshots, I'm only going to give you the ones that are different than Part 2.

Picture 165

The SQL Name is "APPS02BES" – the instance we've created.  The Database is "BESMgmt" – the database we created.  Click Next and move on.

Picture 170 

This is different.  If you're been paying attention – we've recently migration from LCS to OCS 2007 R2.  So, those changes are reflected here.  Click Next.

Picture 171 

I'm actually NOT going to Start Services.  I need to cutover the users next via the Blackberry Enterprise Transporter.  Click Next and finish up.

Cutover Users – Blackberry Enterprise Transporter
Okay, now we've setup the server and now need to make sure the users cutover from the old server to the new server.  You'll need to download part of the Blackberry Enterprise Server Resource Kit.  Get the Enterprise Transporter – and install it. I won't bore you with Next Next Next screen shots this time.  Make sure the Blackberry Services are STOPPED on both the old and new server except for one – the  Blackberry Administration Services ON THE NEW SERVER need to be started.

Picture 172 

Great.  Now, launch the Enterprise Transporter.

Picture 173 

Click New – by file name.

Picture 174 

We're going to call it "cutover.xml" and save it in the default location.  Click Save.

Picture 175 

Check the "Bulk Server Mode" and read the Pop-up.  It tells you what services need stopped and started.  You've done this.  Click OK.

Now, let's choose our Source.  Click Configure under Source Domain.

Picture 176 

You want to choose a "new" label.  Fill in all the information.  Click Test Connection.

Picture 177 

Excellent.  Click OK.

Picture 178 

Notice the "Tested" Checkbox.  Click OK.  Move on to the "Destination Domain" – Click Configure.

Picture 179 

Make your choices.  Click Test Connection.

Picture 180 

Excellent.  Click OK.

Picture 181 

Notice the "Tested" Checkbox again.  Click OK.

Picture 182 

Let's focus on Step 3 – Click Details.

Picture 183 

Choose our "Name" – BES (you remember that from the Setup above).  Then the list of users populates below.  Make any appropriate Group and Policy and Config changes.

Picture 184 

Hmm.  That looks scary.  Click OK.

Picture 192 

Let's Preview.  Click that.

Picture 193 

Hmmm.  We're given some warnings, but not errors.  From reading around, this doesn't seem like too big of a deal in our environment.  So, I'm going to click "Ignore Warnings" in Step 5 – and click Migrate.  Off we go!

Picture 194 

All done!  43/43 processed and Migration Completed!  We did get warnings, but I'm not sure what those are.  I'll address those as necessary.

Now, we can start our services and move along.  We can do this in several ways, but the easiest is probably to just reboot the server.  Let's do that.  Reboot.  Wait.  Log back on.  Let's look at all the services.

Picture 196

Well, that looks good.  Everything has started.  Oh sweet, my data-arrows on my blackberry are going crazy.  My email and stuff starts synching.  That's great.  It appears all is well.

Wait a few minutes, let things sync back up.  Test sending email.  Mine works.  Great!

That's it.  Really.  It was a LOT, but it wasn't too much.  At this point, all of the services are running, my email is flowing again, I think we're done.  Hooray!

I'm working now on one last peek into this dive into BES 5.0.  Things weren't as "smooth" as expected and there were some bumps along the way.  I'll talk about the "gotchas" in Part 4 – coming up soon.

If you've stumbled here along the way, let me know if I was able to help you.