2015 Is Here – What?

*blink blink*

Really?  It's 2015?

I haven't posted on this personal blog in almost 2 years.  I've been focused all of my writing and technical energy at work and have been actively blogging there (or contributing to blogs there) and have pretty much abandoned this place.


Here are some family updates from 2014

  • Nathan turned 9 in April
  • Andrew turned 5 in May
  • Jenny and I celebrated our 13th Anniversary in July
  • I had the opportunity to visit England (work engagement) in July as well
  • Anna turned 3 in October
  • Jenny and I also celebrated birthdays in October
  • Jacob turned 8 in November.

Many other things happened (duh) but it's hard to process through all of those for a blog like this.

I'm hopeful to find more margin in my day to spend / share here in 2015.

I'm humbled that hundreds of you still wander this way every day through various links and google searching and such. Thank you.

Newpy Hap Year to you and yours!